Monday, March 8, 2010

Weekend Fun

Here were are on another Monday. The weekend was good, but once again we were foiled by the weather. The Sunday baseball game was canceled and while it was so cute and very entertaining to watch the little one in his first game of the season, it was COLD!!! I was under the impression that one of the benefits of living part time in Southern California was the sunshine. From what my girls told me, it was nicer back in Idaho than it was here. But, such is life, I suppose.

We sat huddled together under blankets and endured the wind and the threatening rain during the game. Then, we hit up a 5 year old's birthday party, spent some time with family, and then headed home with some tired kids. A couple of them climbed right into bed, and I curled up in bed with a book while the others cuddled around me watching "Grease". Ron and I had to roll our eyes and laugh when Alex looked at us and said "Are all of the people in this movie dead now?". The span of time is a funny thing in the eyes of a 12 year old.

Sunday was very low key since the game was canceled. Alex was bummed. We needed to take Rachel home, so met her mom at a mall and dropped her off. We walked the mall a little and then had lunch at the Rainforest Cafe. The kids got some of the cutest balloon animals I have ever seen made for them there. Of course, they didn't all last very long, but at least I got some pictures.